Mission: one heart many voices conference 2023 - Exploring Truth-Telling, Reconciliation, and Synodality

Next week, the highly anticipated sixth biennial Mission: One Heart Many Voices (MOHMV) conference returns for a face-to-face event in Sydney from May 3-5, 2023. This gathering, taking place a year after the Plenary Council, offers a unique space for encounters and reflection on the discerned concerns and themes of the Plenary Council and Synod 2023. The conference focuses on themes such as truth-telling, reconciliation, encounters on the margins, inclusion, governance, and synodality, providing both professional and personal development opportunities for participants.

Fr Brian Lucas, Catholic Mission National Director, emphasizes the significance of this event, saying, “The Mission: one heart many voices conference is an opportunity since the final session of the Plenary Council to come together and reflect on Mission and how the local church will respond to the challenges of the present day.” He also quotes Pope Francis, who said that Catholics taking part in the synodal path should strive to “become experts in the art of encounter,” an essential part of the conference focusing on encountering and listening to each other.

To set in motion discussions, an impressive lineup of keynote presenters will engage the minds and hearts of attendees, including the Director of From the Heart, Dean Parkin, Bishop of Sandhurst, Vice-President of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia, Delegate to Synod 2023, Shane Mackinlay, and the Australian Ambassador to the Holy See, HE Chiara Porro.

Alongside these presentations, the conference will host facilitated listening, dialogue, discernment, deciding, and acting sessions, culminating in a special presentation on “Why Mission? Why Synodality? Why Truth Telling? Why Reconciliation?”.

Dr Chris Cotter, Director of Mission and Pastoral Life, Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst, speaks highly of the event, stating, “The experience of participating in MOHMV is powerful, as the organisers have a deep and sustained commitment to ensuring active participation and dialogue between attendees and to the ongoing development and growth of the program.”

The conference's highlights include the Truth Telling process, a transformational experiential activity, the Conference Mass organised in partnership with Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Sydney, and Engaging the Heart and Engaging Together sessions.

Don't miss this opportunity to join fellow attendees in an engaging and enlightening conference on Mission. Registrations are still open, and more information can be found on the conference website at 2023.mohmv.com.au. For any queries, please contact the MOHMV Conference Team at [email protected].