The Salesian Sisters set out to start a clinic to address the gaps in care and empower the community to take control of their health.
Resources for Parish

Sparked by her desire to see better outcomes for her people, Sister Carolina set into action and is now a nurse at the clinic.
Jose and Santina are one of many that have benefited from the care of the Sisters.
Now 12, Jose is a top soccer player at school. And Santina knows she can turn to the Clinic in times of need.
Please access and download the following resources to help you run a successful Catholic Mission Church Appeal.
- Appeal Overview – An easy guide to help run a successful appeal in your parish.
- Appeal Video – A powerful story of the missionary work of the Church reaching out to those in need in Ethiopia. We encourage you to play this for your parishioners at each Mass.
- Speakers’ Notes – To assist you with key themes and messages
- Parish Bulletins – To be placed in your parish newsletter and social media in the weeks before, during and after the appeal.
- Homily & Prayers Notes – To assist with the homily and prayers for Mass.
- Summary Form – For parish staff to fill out and return to your local Catholic Mission Diocesan Director after the collection.